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[내돈내산] 리뷰/전자제품

Logitech Harmony review

by 잇딴 2021. 3. 8.

 Why did I buy?

I like building up smart home.

Many of products thesedays support IoT (Internet of Thing), so I can control them easily.


However problem is that not all appliances are IoT.

For example, A.C in the living room doesn't support  IoT, so I have to turn it on and off in front.

Of course remote is not IoT either.


Logitech Harmony is one of best solutions for this situation.

It can tranfer IR signal like remote, and I can control Harmony online.


Logitech Harmony hub


For example, when I press button for TV on Harmony app outside of house,

Harmony will send signal to TV inside of house.


The best part is it has huge database for signals that manufacturers use, so it is easy to set up devices.

If no database, I can make it learn signal manually.


In fact I used to have another similar remote device before.

However It had few database and doesn't work with smartthings well.

That's why I got Logitech Harmony due to compatibility.




 How to use

Honestly I don't use Harmony app for control.

Because there are several steps to control device.

(Open app - login- select device - control...)


As I said, I connected Harmony to smartthings. 

Most of devices are operated automatically, following my commands.


Or I can contorl them via Google home speaker and Samsung Galaxy home mini.

2021/02/27 - [Review/Electronics] - Galaxy home mini speaker (Samsung AI speaker)

2021/03/02 - [Review/Electronics] - Google home speaker


Demerit is Harmony is that it is operated based on activities.

For example, after you turn on TV with Harmony, you want to turn on a fan at the same time.

However it doen't happen, because the fan will be on after TV off.


There is solution of course, but you have to use a tool like KuKu Harmony.

Then it will be operated, based on device, so you can turn it on and off independently.


My home automations I'm using today are

  • turning on AC when it is over 27 degrees

  • turning on TV when I sit on sofa

  • turning on air purifier when fine dust index is bad

Logitech Harmony devices
Logitech Harmony TV control screen
Logitech Harmony activities




  • Easy to set up, due to big IR signal database

  • Compatible with smartthings

  • Harmony remote included



  • Operating, based on activity

  • Harmony app is slow

  • Expensive

Logitech Harmony remote



 Should buy?


If I didn't have Harmony, I would get mi remote.

Because it has similar function, it is much cheaper though.






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