728x90 반응형 전체 글115 How to change search engine in IE Why did I change search engine in IE I mostly use chrome when I'm home. However my company doesn't allow me to use it, but internet explorer(IE). That is probably because of security problem. I'm using google web searching many times everyday. When I want to access to google, I have to type 'www.google.com' on address bar. Otherwise it will find the information I want via Bing or something. I wa.. 2021. 3. 16. Chromecast with Google TV review Why did I buy? The TV in my room is not smart TV. It is 'only gaming use' TV, so it doesn' need to have other options. Moreover I can watch Netflix or Youtube via Playstation4. However I gradually didn't play games, and watched video more instead. Whenever I wanted to watch something, I had to switch on PS4. I felt like it is annoying, so I started to search for steaming devices such as mi stick.. 2021. 3. 15. JBL Pulse 2 review Why did I buy? I have 3 reasons why I got JBL Pulse2 1. Beam projector speaker. I have a beam projector, PH300. It is compact, and very useful for me. However there is the only thing I miss, which is speaker. It has speaker inside, but it has low performance, 2W. 2. Camping speaker. When I go camping, I usually turn on music. However the only speaker I had was the one in my phone, and it was low.. 2021. 3. 14. Under Armour True Wireless Flash review Why did I buy? I like listening to music, so I spend quite much money on earphones. My main device is MDR-1000X. Favorite part of it is noise canceling. I want to bring it anytime, but I can't. Because it is over-ear headphone, it is too hot in summer. When I put it on in summer, I can see sweat on earcups. On the other hands, it is warm enough in winter. (I'm wearing it, instead of earmuff) Tha.. 2021. 3. 14. Mi Automatic Foaming Soap Dispenser review Why did I buy? We have to care hygiene more than ever thesedays. Many people say just washing hands frequently is good protection from virus. I was always worried about hygiene of a soap in my house, after use. Imagine that your hands are dirty, and you wash them with a soap. Your hands will get cleaned, but what about the soap? It will get dirty. And I'm going to use the soap next time. That's .. 2021. 3. 11. Philips hue smart bulb review Why did I buy? I started smart home life with smart bulb. Reason is very simple, it is easy. I think most of beginers start with smart bulb for the same as I do. Many people recommend Philips hue light, but I didn't understand why. Although functions are almost same, price of philips is much higher. Even some other products are working in wifi or bluetooth, but philips needs hub, called bridge. .. 2021. 3. 11. Dawon smart plug review Why did I buy? As always, main reason for buying IoT device is my lazyness. I have got IoT remote like Logitech Harmony, but it doesn't work if device is not remote-work. 2021.03.08 - [Review/Electronics] - Logitech Harmony review One of good examples is switching on bulb. (not smart bulb) If I want to turn it off, I have to go and touch the power switch. Lazyness makes me find better way, and I.. 2021. 3. 9. Logitech Harmony review Why did I buy? I like building up smart home. Many of products thesedays support IoT (Internet of Thing), so I can control them easily. However problem is that not all appliances are IoT. For example, A.C in the living room doesn't support IoT, so I have to turn it on and off in front. Of course remote is not IoT either. Logitech Harmony is one of best solutions for this situation. It can tranfe.. 2021. 3. 8. Synology NAS 216j review Why did I buy? A few years ago, I got new mirrorless camera . Before I bought it, most of photos I had took were made with mobile camera. Which means it had lower size. However mirrorless camera required bigger storage, due to higher quality. As well as that, I needed something that can share photos with family. There were clould services like Google drive or one drive, but I had to pay for extr.. 2021. 3. 7. 이전 1 ··· 9 10 11 12 13 다음 728x90 반응형