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Phoenix A2E massage gun

by 잇딴 2021. 3. 3.

 Why did I buy?

 As I get older, I realize I have to work out for my health.

Everybody can agree on this. 

However you might get pain on your muscle after workout for a minute.


In my case, I used to enjoy playing football (not anymore, due to COVID)

I was totally into this activity, and I had to loosen up muscles after a game.


I heard massage gun was effective, so tried to find something cool and cheap.

I found many brands like exogun, Kraft gun and hypervolt one, but those were more expensive.


As I know there is not big differences among massage guns.

Differences are design and weight.

Sure, it is important, but I wanted to find good balanced one between cost and spec.


Finally I found Phoenix A2E massage gun at est. 40 USD, including delivery cost.

It is little bit heavy 1.05kg, but I can forgive this thanks to low price.


Phoenix A2E massage gun


Phoenix A2E weight


 How to use

When I got this, it had 3 head tips as below photo.

A ball head tip was NOT included, so you have to add a ball if necessary.


You can put a tip you want into body (each tip has its own function.)

However in my opinion, those are useless.

A ball tip is the best to use anywhere in you body.


I use Y tip for my spine sometimes. It is really nice.

but if you are alone, it will be very difficult to use this tip by yourself.

I mean you need someone who can do for you.

(A ball tip is also hard, but better than Y tip)

Phoenix A2E tips

There is power terminal at the bottom. 24V,1A

Power charger, included in package, is 25.2V, 0.45A.

Phoenix A2E bottom

There are 2 LED indicators and button at the back.

Blue LED is level of vibrational intensity.

It has 3 levels, but I always set level 1. because it is strong enough for me.


The only one button at the middle is for setting vibrational intensity.

It is like a fan. one click is level 1, double click is level 2, triple click is level 3.


Yellow LED is level of battery.

The battery lasts quite long, which is my favorite part.

I don't remember when I recharge it last time. 


Phoenix A2E backside




  • Cheap, but good performance

  • Good battery life



  • Heavy to hold for a long time
  • A ball tip is not included



 Should buy?

I got 4 Phoenix A2E.

One for my parents,  two for family, and last one for my self.

All my family are satisfied a lot.


Phoenix A2E operation video



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