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Xiaomi Robot Vaccum review

by 잇딴 2021. 3. 18.

 Why did I buy?

I have a lot of house chores. I know I have to do it.

There is a thing that I really don't want to do. That is cleaning up floor.


Because of fine dust, I have to do it everyday.

Otherwise it will get dirty, and it could make me sick.


Xiaomi Robot Vaccum top view


That's why I started to find robot vaccum.

Normally robot vaccum is classified with how it detects objects.


Some of them are using ultra sonic, and others are using laser distance sensor(LDS).

That is why I chose mi robot vaccum. it is using both.


Xiaomi Robot Vaccum LDS


When I look at the vaccum, I can see rotating module at the top.

LDS detects my room and make a map by rotating.


Now, I don't need to worry about cleaning floor anymore.

It is always clean.



 How to use

There are 2 ways to use mi robot vaccum in my case.


Xiaomi Robot Vaccum scheduled cleaning


1. Scheduled cleaning

Schedule can be set, based on routine. I usually come back home around 7pm.


I set schedule to clean floor at 5pm, just before I get home.

I can see cleaned floor everyday.


Xiaomi Robot Vaccum dust bin


Only thing I have to do is to empty dust bin.

Don't worry to forget to do it. It will let you know by sending notification on your phone.


2. Voice command

mi robot vaccum is cleaning everyday, but sometimes I need to clean again.

For example, after having snack, crumbs are on the floor.


Then I ask google speaker to sweep them.

It is much easier way than go and press power button.


You can also connect mi robot vaccum to smartthings, it is not native though.

Which means all utilizing vaccum depends on your imagination.





  • High performance at reasonable price
  • Cleaning automation
  • IoT

Xiaomi Robot Vaccum map




  • Tangled wire, because of wheel rotation
  • Not goot durability
  • Chinese character

Xiaomi Robot Vaccum buttons




 Should buy?

I haven't seen anyone who get regret after mi robot vaccum purchase.

My robot is the first generation, it doesn't have more function that the latest one can do.


In spite of that, I always recommend mi robot vaccum.

Ah only robot vaccum that has LDS. LDS is a key point.


After 3 years use, LDS broke down.

The only solution is to replace LDS module with new one.


Xiaomi Robot Vaccum LDS module


It is not difficult job, but new LDS module is quite expensive. (I did it by myself)

You have to keep it in mind.






