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Logitech G102 review Why did I buy? A few months ago, PUBG was for free in PS4. I really enjoyed it at first, but as time went by, it became so difficult. I thought many of them were using keyboard & mouse instead of dualshock. Aiming with a mouse is much easier than controller. When I used controller, it was so hard to shoot others. I decided to get keyboard & mouse set, but I needed something more. Even though I p.. 2021. 3. 25.
Google Nest Hub reivew Why did I buy? I got Google nest hub in 2018. There was not so many information on it back then. The worse thing was it didn't support my mother language, Korean. That means I had to speak in English of course, and many services were retricted. Although it had demerit, I got this. Because it has display. Having display is more useful than I expected. (I will say in how to use part) There were al.. 2021. 3. 21.
IKEA Tradfri Remote Control review Why did I buy? When we start to build smart home, most of people think voice command first. Probably that is because it looks awesome, but it will get annoying very soon. That's why next step is automation. However automation rules have always exceptions, so we need to make another solution. For example I want to close curtain after sunset, and I make automation rule. One day I want to do it ear.. 2021. 3. 20.
Xiaomi Robot Vaccum review Why did I buy? I have a lot of house chores. I know I have to do it. There is a thing that I really don't want to do. That is cleaning up floor. Because of fine dust, I have to do it everyday. Otherwise it will get dirty, and it could make me sick. That's why I started to find robot vaccum. Normally robot vaccum is classified with how it detects objects. Some of them are using ultra sonic, and o.. 2021. 3. 18.
How to change search engine in IE Why did I change search engine in IE I mostly use chrome when I'm home. However my company doesn't allow me to use it, but internet explorer(IE). That is probably because of security problem. I'm using google web searching many times everyday. When I want to access to google, I have to type 'www.google.com' on address bar. Otherwise it will find the information I want via Bing or something. I wa.. 2021. 3. 16.